
You don't miss your water..untill your well is dry..

The first pool party of the summer took place yesterday and it was a pretty fun time. Kicked it by the pool from 11am untill 7pm. Heard George Bensons greatest hits and it reminded me of driving downtown in 1999 with ando and Graham listening to "Give Me The Night". Played some lawn darts, fell in the pool with my clothes on, and got my head shaved by the hot tub. Nothing but great times.

I still am bummed about Summerfest. I thought about it and I honestly think everybody I know will be out of town that weekend. Plus, I've never been home alone before. It's gonna be weird.

Before I go, I thought I should mention something about the anti-prince. He lucked out again, but he still stinks. Made one good album in his whole career and everyones on his applesack about king of pop. Most overrated artist, I mean entertainer, ever!